Ambition North Wales and Growing Mid Wales are currently seeking to define priority locations across our regions which require improvements to 4G coverage.
Our joint request for information marks the first phase of the following projects:
- Ambition North Wales’ Connected Key Sites and Corridors project aims to improve the availability of mobile voice and data services and full-fibre broadband services to key commercial sites across the region.
- Growing Mid Wales’ Mobile Coverage and Capacity project focuses predominantly upon mobile voice and data provision across the region.
Both projects aim - to deliver 4G coverage across North and Mid Wales from all four Mobile Network Operators (MNOs). This includes indoor, outdoor and in-vehicle at key locations along transport corridors and at business and tourism sites.
Request for Information - our request for information is predominantly aimed at Mobile Network Operators and providers of mobile infrastructure and services, however interested members of the public are also encouraged to respond – particularly to question 4.
The deadline for responding is 15 November 2024.