Plans for the former North Wales Hospital site in Denbigh have taken a significant step forward, following approval by the North Wales Economic Ambition Board of the developer’s Full Business Case (FBC), and the resolution at Denbighshire County Council’s Planning Committee in July to approve the terms of a Planning Agreement. 

The £107m capital investment project to be delivered by Jones Bros, will redevelop the derelict 53-acre site. The scheme includes restoration of the Grade 2* listed building, new homes, over 1,000m2 of commercial units, as well as green community spaces. After years of uncertainty, work will begin to transform this landmark site so it can again become a central part of the community, providing employment and homes for local people.  

With funding now agreed, the development is projected to create 360 apprenticeship opportunities supported by a new on-site training facility, as well as 70 full-time jobs by 2035. The North Wales Growth Deal will contribute £6.94m towards the delivery of demolition, remediation and biodiversity works.  

The project forms part of the North Wales Growth Deal Land and Property Programme which promotes opportunities and addresses challenges linked to development sites across the region.  


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Cllr. Jason McLellan, Leader of Denbighshire County Council who leads on the Land and Property Programme on the Economic Ambition Board, said:

“Plans for the regeneration of this historic North Wales building are vital to secure a sustainable future for the site and this project will be a real benefit for Denbigh. As a board we were satisfied that everything is now in place and are pleased to be able to approve the business case which means the project can move forward. Thanks to Growth Deal funding and UK Government Funding, our hope is that we can help transform this derelict site, bringing much needed new homes and jobs to the town and wider community.” 

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Huw Jones, chairman of Jones Bros added:

“The project still has a long way to go, and many elements need addressing and agreeing before we can begin work on site. However, securing the Growth Deal funding is a key milestone for us and this scheme. Our team is excited it can progress to the next phase now funding has been approved. As a local company we are very aware of the site’s significance and the part it has played in the town’s history. It deserves to be restored and to become a focal point within this community once again. As well as developing a temporary state-of-the-art facility to train our apprentices, I’m in no doubt that the scheme will attract further investment to the town.” 

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Cabinet Secretary for Economy, Transport and North Wales Ken Skates said:

“I’m pleased to see the project take this significant step forward.  The site at the former Denbigh hospital has tremendous potential, and I look forward to seeing further progress.  We will continue to work with and support Ambition North Wales on the Growth Deal.” 

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Wales Office Minister, Nia Griffith, said:

“It is fantastic news that this development is moving forward and breathing new life into this iconic site, which has been derelict for so long. For people in Denbigh and the surrounding areas the construction phase will provide new jobs and training opportunities. Once it’s completed there will be new homes, business spaces and open green spaces to benefit the whole community. 

“I am delighted that investment from the UK Government in the North Wales Growth Deal and Levelling Up funding is helping to deliver this important regeneration project which will have such positive impacts for the community.”

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Council officers will now seek approval for the Planning Agreement to be completed from the Denbigh Member Area Group. Once this process has been completed the planning consent notice can be released and planning permission granted - enabling works to commence.