• A partnership of the region’s councils, universities and higher education institutions - united in their active commitment to improving the economic, social and environmental well-being of North Wales.

    "At Ambition North Wales – we are just that – ambitious for our region. As a team we are passionate and driven to deliver a continuously improving and thriving economy in the place that we live, work and love. We want North Wales to be attractive to investors, we want to see our businesses and communities prosper and ultimately, we want future generations to have a wealth of opportunities and the choice to stay here in rewarding careers. We are building on our strengths in growth sectors, removing chronic market failures, and developing the expertise and skills we need to futureproof our economy. By delivering innovative and transformational projects, we are ensuring North Wales is connected, smart, resilient and sustainable, ready to welcome investors to develop North Wales with us."

    Alwen Williams, Portfolio Director, Ambition North Wales

Our Region



Economic contribution


to the Welsh and UK economy
Contribution to the Welsh economy


of Wales' total GVA


  • Proximity to major cities: Within 2 hours by road or rail from Manchester and Liverpool
  • Direct rail links: Maximum 3 hours direct rail ride away from London.
  • Strategic location: Key ferry links with Ireland, including Holyhead Port, the second busiest roll-on-roll-off ferry port in the UK, and part of the recently announced Anglesey Freeport.
  • Digital connectivity: Growing regional full fibre broadband coverage above the UK average* with multiple network operators driving expansion. Strategic wholesale fibreoptic network across the region between Ireland and Manchester Internet Exchange linking key business parks.

* as of July 2024

Skilled Workforce

People are resilient, results-driven and loyal. 

North Wales is large enough to make an impact but small enough to be dynamic and adapt quickly. We take pride in our heritage, culture, language, and environment and welcome new people and opportunities.

  • Low-carbon energy expertise: Significant expertise in offshore and onshore wind, nuclear energy, and the developing tidal Stream Energy sector, including the Morlais tidal development zone in Holyhead.
  • Manufacturing expertise: High Value Manufacturing is a strong regional driver in our region, with 27.4% of Wales manufacturing industry based in North Wales, particularly in aerospace, defence, food and drink, electronics and automotive. Strong partnerships between industry and educational partners ensures skills training programmes and apprenticeship and a skills pipeline for investors.  

Diverse Key Sectors

North Wales boasts a diverse economy with strengths in manufacturing, energy, tourism, low carbon energy, the rural economy and the public sector.

  • Anchor companies and supply chains: Home to internationally renowned companies in high-value manufacturing, and national leaders in the agri-food, tourism, low carbon energy and digital sectors.
  • Regional strengths in magnet projects: significant facilities and assets to attract investment, skills and collaborations to promote research, development and cutting-edge technologies. Click here for more information.

Excellent Education and Research Facilities

North Wales is home to top-tier research and education facilities, fostering innovation and skills development.

  • Universities: Bangor University and Wrexham University.
  • Further education colleges: Coleg Cambria and Grŵp Llandrillo Menai
  • Research and innovation facilities: AMRC Cymru facility in Broughton, M-SParc in Anglesey.

At Ambition North Wales we work as a partnership to deliver on our ambition - identifying and delivering opportunities to develop our economy. Watch our video to find out more.

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"We have the natural resources to become a world leader in renewable energy, the manufacturing expertise to deliver innovative solutions, and the people and partnerships to drive change into the region. This vision for North Wales is achievable and within our reach"


Askar Sheibani,

Chair of the Business Delivery Board 


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North Wales is an excellent place to invest and grow your business.  There are many exciting opportunities across the region including within our Growth Deal projects.

For more information, contact us at invest@ambitionnorth.wales