Our vision is for North Wales to be a region where the people, and specifically their skills and abilities, are a key driver of economic development and well-being.

What is the North Wales Regional Skills Partnership?

The North Wales Regional Skills Partnership is one of four partnerships across Wales, bringing together employers, skills providers and key local stakeholders to better understand employer skills needs at a local and regional level.

We believe in the transformative power of training and upskilling new and existing staff to drive business growth. Working with, and alongside, employers we forge a path which aligns provision seamlessly with business needs.

Our role also includes producing and analysing North Wales Labour Market Intelligence - reporting our findings to Welsh Government to advise on skills provision based on employer-led insights.

Working with the Growth Deal

As part of Ambition North Wales’ Portfolio Management Office structure, the North Wales Regional Skills Partnership team works seamlessly across Growth Deal projects to scope and understand their skills requirements. We collate this knowledge, using it to  inform local training providers and Welsh Government - making recommendations for changes in provision to post-16 Further Education and apprenticeships as well as upskilling / reskilling provision or courses.

Our work with the Growth Deal is critical to ensuring that there are suitable talent pipelines in the region in response to jobs created as outcomes of the projects.

Our Priorities are:

Enabling and Empowering Employers

Enabling and Empowering Individuals

How Support is Provided and Making the Connections


These priorities are driven by the latest iteration of the Skills and Employment Plan 2023 – 2025, which brings together an overview of the employment, recruitment and skills needs of local businesses and employers, together with the skills that individuals need to achieve their potential.

Read our Skills and Employment Plan here.

The Partnership

Our key and growth sectors

The North Wales Regional Skills Partnership has nine priority sectors. These sectors are areas where we recognise the need for tailored support or foresee the most growth until 2025.

  • Advanced Manufacturing
  • Construction
  • Creative and Digital
  • Energy and Environment
  • Financial and Professional
  • Food and Farming
  • Health and Social Care
  • Public Sector
  • Tourism and Hospitality

 To find out more about sector Labour Market Intelligence, visit the Data Observatory here, or view our Skills and Employment Plan to discover more about data insights.

Interested to know more?

Visit our website to learn more about the great work the North Wales Regional Skills Partnership is doing to support young people and employers! Some notable pieces of work we think will be of interest to you include our:

  • Skills and Employment Plan 2023 - 2025
  • Young Person’s Toolkit
  • Low Carbon Energy Prospectus and Video
  • Digital Skills Research

Key Members

  • David Roberts Chair North Wales Regional Skills Partnership
  • Sian Lloyd Roberts Regional Skills Manager

Our Partners

Our partners also include employers representatives from our key and growth sectors.