
Low Carbon Energy


This programme will unlock the benefits of developing low carbon energy projects within the region, positioning North Wales as a leading location for the low carbon energy sector.

Our region's unique characteristics and natural resources offer the potential to develop projects that create new jobs, reduce carbon emissions and contribute to achieving net-zero by 2050.


Additional GVA

Generate up to £335 million net additional GVA

Job Creation

Create up to 1035 new jobs in the region

Carbon Savings

Enabling carbon savings of at least 2,723,000 tonnes

Low Carbon Energy

Generate at least 314MW of electricity from low carbon energy in the region

Investment Targets


Growth Deal


Other Public Sector


Private Sector


Total Investment

Key Members

  • Dylan Williams Chief Executive, Isle of Anglesey County Council
  • Cllr. Gary Pritchard Leader, Isle of Anglesey County Council