Branding and publicity requirements



Branding and publicity are key in ensuring effective promotion and acknowledgement of the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.  

The branding and publicity requirements for the UK Shared Prosperity Fund are set out here:

Compliance with branding and publicity requirements is a condition of the Shared Prosperity Fund: North Wales Grant Funding Agreement.

UK Government branding requirements

UK government branding requirements must be followed for all projects funded by the UK government via the Shared Prosperity Fund.   

The requirements cover a number of areas including logo use, size and placement; the production of plaques, print and digital materials, and also co-branding. Also explained are the bilingual requirements for Wales and how this should be implemented.

Shared Prosperity Fund: North Wales specific requirements

Where details of Fund activities are published on a website, a clear and prominent reference to the funding from the UKSPF is to be included as follows:

‘This project is [funded/part-funded] by the UK government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.’

In addition, reference and acknowledgement should be given to each North Wales local authority funding the project via UKSPF.

When describing or promoting Fund activities on social media such as Twitter, the following hashtag (#) should be used #UKSPF

In addition, reference and acknowledgement should be given to each North Wales local authority funding the project via UKSPF.

Press releases must include a clear and prominent reference to the UKSPF, in the main body of the press release as follows:

‘[This project/Name of project] has received £[INSERT AMOUNT] from the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund’.

In addition, reference and acknowledgement should be given to each North Wales local authority funding the project via UKSPF.

The logo of each local authority funding the project via UKSPF should be used in all communication materials and public-facing documents relating to the funded activity. 

The logos should appear as a 'funding partner' and occupy the magenta coloured position, as shown in the 'UK Government & Levelling Up Branding' guidance.  

Shared Prosperity Fund: North Wales is funded by the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. Cyngor Gwynedd is the lead body for Shared Prosperity Fund: North Wales on behalf of the region's local authorities.