The Portfolio Management Office is responsible, along with key partners, for delivering the Growth Deal, and holding stewardship of the regional economic vision. The team is passionate about North Wales, and is focused on improving economic, social, and environmental wellbeing, and committed to the region’s future.

  • Alwen Williams Portfolio Director
  • Lynn Slaven Executive Assistant to the Portfolio Director


  • Hedd Vaughan-Evans Head of Operations
  • Nia Medi Williams Operations Manager
  • Bethan Airey Strategic Communication and Engagement Lead
  • Anita Davies Funding Project Manager
  • Gwenllian Brassington Shared Prosperity Funding Project Manager
  • Angharad Williams Programme Support Officer
  • Sara Jones Procurement and Social Value Manager
  • Daniel Lewis Regional Impact and Social Value Officer
  • Rhianne Massin Procurement and Operations Officer

Agri-food and Tourism
Innovation in High Value Manufacturing

  • Elliw Hughes Growth Deal Programme Manager
  • Dafydd Jones Agri-food and Tourism Project Manager

Digital Connectivity

  • Stuart Whitfield Digital Programme Manager
  • Kirrie Roberts Digital Connectivity Project Manager
  • Catherine Evans Digital Project Officer

Land and Property

  • David Mathews Land and Property Programme Manager
  • Margaret Peters Land and Property Project Manager

Low Carbon Energy

  • Elgan Roberts Low Carbon Energy Programme Manager
  • Sandra Sharp Energy and Net Zero Project Manager
  • Gareth Rogers Energy and Net Zero (Hydrogen) Project Manager
  • Danial Evans Energy Project Manager
  • Denise Creed Energy Delivery Project Officer
  • Llio Davies Energy and Net Zero Project Officer

Skills and Employability

  • Sian Lloyd Roberts Regional Skills Manager
  • Catherine Morris-Roberts Senior Skills Delivery Officer
  • Angharad Evans Skills and Employability Project Manager
  • Rees Brown Skills & Employability Portal Project Manager
  • Cara Owen Skills Portal Marketing & Engagement Assistant

Corporate Joint Committee

  • David Hole Corporate Joint Committee Implementation Programme Manager