Business Cases

Business cases will be developed for each Growth Deal project in line with:

  • the ‘Better Business Case’ guidance and Five Case model developed by Welsh Government and HM Treasury; and
  • the 'Green Book' guidance by HM Treasury. 

Project Assurance

Our project business cases are subject to independent Gateway Reviews by the Welsh Government Integrated Assurance Hub, at key decision points, in line with the Cabinet Office Gateway Process.  

The Gateway reviews provide assurance that the projects can progress successfully to the next stage.

Project Delivery Stages

Determine the Project context:

The planning phase of the spending proposal. Assessing the strategic context for the project and demonstrating how it provides synergy with other projects within the portfolio.

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Preparing the Strategic Outline Case:

The scoping phase of the project. Making the case for change and identifying the preferred way forward.

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Preparing the Outline Business Case:

The planning phase for the project. Identifying the options that provide value for money, confirming the affordability of the project and determining the arrangements for the successful delivery of the project. 

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Approval of the Outline Business Case:

The Outline Business Case is presented to the North Wales Economic Ambition Board for approval. When approved the procurement phase of the project can begin. 

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Preparing the Full Business Case:

The procurement phase of the project. Recording the findings of the procurement and confirming the management arrangements for the delivery, monitoring and evaluation of the project.  

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Approval of the Full Business Case:

The Full Business Case is presented to the North Wales Economic Ambition Board for approval. When approved the implementation phase of the project can begin. 

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Project Implementation and Monitoring:

The project implementation phase. The Full Business Case is used as a reference point to deliver the project and monitor progress. 

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Project Evaluation:

The post project implementation stage. Evaluating how well the project was delivered and lessons learnt.  The Full Business Case is used to determine the extent the anticipated benefits were delivered and realised.

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