By: Angharad Elliw


An opinion piece by Graduate Project Manager, Angharad Elliw Evans



I love the Earth, especially the part of the planet on our doorstep in North Wales. 


Why is Earth Day important?


Today, we are reminded of the importance of appreciating and protecting our environment and the parts of Earth that surround us. I am a true advocate that spending time in nature and the natural environment makes us healthier. The planet looks after us, so important to also look after our planet! 


As a young person, climate change and the ever-changing landscape of sustainable strategies is overwhelming. The potential challenges facing us are scary, never mind the uncertainty of not knowing what my future will look like. 


With that said, there are things that we can do to minimise our footprint and help protect our planet, there is so much we can do and our impact as individuals can go further than we think. 


This Earth Day, I wanted to share how I’m trying to minimise my impact on the environment.



Ways to look after our planet: 


  • Recycle and Reduce Plastic: It is so important to recycle and ensure that we minimise our plastic use. Doing something as simple as taking a bag with you to the shop instead of buying a new one or using a reusable coffee cup can help reduce the number of items going into landfills. 


  • Buy Local: When buying local, you're helping your local economy and the environment too! items from your local shop usually contribute less carbon footprint and less air pollution - whether that's by reduced miles or transportation of any other item.


  • Buy second hand: Fast fashion is one of the worst offenders of damaging our environments, so why not reuse and purchase clothes or furniture from charity shops or online marketplaces? By doing this, we are taking away from companies that contribute to fast fashion and reducing the number of items going into landfills.


  • Calculate my carbon footprint: I use this platform to assess my daily habits and evaluate whether there are ways I can reduce my carbon footprint. It sometimes is as simple as sharing a lift or using public transport instead of driving. 


Why you should care:


Over lockdown, my appreciation for the outdoors grew and has only increased since. I spend most weekends making the most of hiking, cycling, wild swimming, running and doing anything outdoors.  


Why? It makes me feel good both physically and mentally and there is no better way to clear the mind, release stress and exercise the body, even better when doing it with friends. However, with the increased risk of climate change - there may become a time when I can't enjoy being outdoors. 


Being outdoors boosts my sense of belonging. I feel proud, passionate and connected when I'm outside. Visiting new places, finding out about the local history and meeting new people whilst I'm outdoors, make me prouder to be Welsh and connect me with my heritage and of course - the views never disappoint. 


By the next Earth Day, I strive to make more informed choices to reduce the impact I have on the planet. Ensuring I have a future where I can still enjoy spending time outdoors. I hope you’ll join me to invest in our planet this year!